Last weekend was a busy one for the Andrews Family. Saturday began with Josh, his brother and his Dad working on our kitchen counter tops. Then it was off to a friend's house to watch the UT game. We left there to go to a birthday party for a friend of mine's two year old. On Sunday we got together with family for my sister-in-law's birthday. And then on Monday we spent the day on the lake with more friends...phew! It was a fun-filled weekend!
Ryan and Allyson invited us to go out with them on the boat Monday afternoon. I'm so glad that Josh didn't have to work. It was beautiful weather and we all had a great time.
She wasn't sure what to think about the life jacket. It was a little big on her...the look on her face cracks me up, haha
I've started giving Lucy little snacks like Gerber graduates yogurt melts and apple cinnamon puffs. She will grab them from my hand three at a time and shove them in her mouth or open her mouth really wide and do a "face plant" right into my
Also last weekend Lucy learned to sit up on her own. I walked into her room to get her up from her nap on Sunday afternoon and she was sitting up in the crib. She has been practicing pushing herself up with her hands for several weeks but this was the first time she got to a full upright position. Way to go Lucy!
Just saw your post and I posted some of the same pictures from Labor Day! We had a great time. Love the ones of Gavin and Lucy at the UT party!