Friday, March 19, 2010

Fun Times

I'm always amazed how unpredictable life can be when you have small children. Things hardly ever go as planned. The other night Lucy went down around 8 o'clock and then woke up 30 minutes later screaming at the top of her lungs. When I went in her room to check on her she was standing up in the crib, had a death grip on her blanket and was holding onto the crib railing facing the wall. She has never slept with a nightlight and it's pretty dark in her room so I guess she lost her sense of direction. It was pretty funny :) I picked her up to calm her down and she let out a big burp. She went back to sleep but 20 minutes later she woke up again, this time with a big poopy diaper. By that time she was wide awake. Josh and I were just getting ready to eat dinner and Lucy decided she wanted to have a late night snack. After that she crawled over to where her toys were at and got on top of this pull toy that used to be Josh's when he was a little boy. Pawpaw had put her on it before and pulled her around so I guess she remembered it and wanted another ride :)I pulled her really slowly at first because I didn't want her to fall off. Then Daddy gave it a try going a little faster and of course Lucy loved it!

It was so fun watching Lucy have the time of her life (even though she was supposed to be in the bed). It made me realize that even though our days (and evenings) hardly ever go as planned, that is what makes it so much fun. I can't imagine life without our little girl. There is so much joy and laughter that I don't want to take for granted. So I am writing this post today with a heart overflowing with gratitude for those "unpredictable" moments :)

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