Lucy and I went to the Mall tonight for a Free Family Fun night sponsored by a church here in town. Josh had to work late so we met some other ladies there from the Moms Group. They had face painting, popcorn, games, and free bungee jumping for the kids. Lucy has seen the trampolines at the mall before and was very curious and tonight she got to try them out! There's a weight minimum of 25 lbs and I think she actually weighs a little less but they let her do it anyway.
All ready to go! You can't tell in this picture but she was excited :)

Flying high! She didn't weigh enough to bring her feet down to the trampoline every time so she kind of just floated in the air but she did great!

Coming in for the landing :)

She also met Mickey Mouse :)
(even though she has no idea who he was, lol)

Chowing down on the popcorn :) Must take after her Mommy...

I think they do this once a month so we will definitely have to go again. Maybe next time we'll make it in time for the face painting :)