Lucy is one year old! Here are some of the things she has been up to lately...
Still loving bath time...

She loves to play with the running water...

...and chew on the wash cloth :)

Looking cute in her bathrobe


standing all by herself

She loves snack time

sometimes she is a little messy though :)

eating off the floor

Learning to feed herself with a fork
trying to escape from her highchair

She loves to play with her baby dolls. She gives them kisses and picks them up and puts them in the highchair and the bed :)

Giving the paci to the baby

Trying to push the stroller

Helping Daddy with some projects around the house...I'm not sure what she is holding but don't worry I took it away from her :)

Daddy's little helper

I've learned to never leave a tissue box within reach

what a mess...

Getting ready to go on our ski trip

Playing in the bathroom sink

Josh has been working on replacing our kitchen sink cabinet so I had to do the dishes in the bathroom for a couple of days.

She actually has a little curl in her hair right after I wash it :)

ready to get out...

Eating with her hands...normally she's not much for getting her hands dirty but this morning she wanted to play in the oatmeal.

...digging in

silly face

And of course lots and lots of laughing...
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