We had a very busy but fun Christmas this year with both sides of the family. We spent Christmas Eve at my parent's house and then went back on Christmas day after spending a few hours at our house that morning. That night we drove down to Chattanooga to spend some time with Josh's family. It was such a busy weekend that I didn't take many pictures until we settled in Chattanooga for a few days. It also might have something to do with the fact that I opened my Christmas present from Josh and his parents on Sunday...a new camera!
I hope you enjoy these few pictures from our Holidays :)

It was so exciting to have a white Christmas this year and the snow even lasted for a couple of days. We went outside on Sunday afternoon to play in it. The guys made a path in the back yard to sled on...
Lucy getting ready to have fun in the snow!

Posing for a picture with Pawpaw :)

Scott and Annie getting ready to sled down the hill...

Josh and Lucy's turn :)

Trying to walk around in all her snow gear lol

Being pulled back up the hill

Lucy going down by herself :)

Scott was pulling Ashley and Annie around and Lucy wanted to ride too :)

Little cutie :)

Making snowballs on the deck...

Somebody at Durie's office made these cute reindeer cookies for the girls...

Lucy gobbled hers up :)

The morning after we got back from Chattanooga Lucy saw the Play-Doh she got for Christmas lying outside her bedroom door and she HAD to play with it right then lol. I caught some cute pictures with my new camera...

silly girl

Showing it to Mommy...

Rolling it out

Trying to figure out how to stuff it in her teapot lol

She LOVES her new play-doh :) I think she would play with it all day long if I didn't keep it hidden.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! more pics to come soon :)