Last weekend Josh, Lucy and I took a trip to Gatlinburg. Josh wanted to spend some time as a family with just the three of us. We thought it would be fun to take Lucy to the aquarium and then go to the outlet malls.

The weather was beautiful on Friday night so we decided just to walk the streets of downtown Gatlinburg and enjoy being outside.

I think this might have been our first experience eating out with a very active 5 month old. I'm quickly learning how to feed myself while bouncing a baby on my lap :) She was really good considering it was her bedtime. I think this picture gives you an idea of how tired she was. Notice the blank stare...lol

Saturday at the aquarium...

...squeezing in for a family pic

Lucy really enjoyed looking at the fish. Check out her expression in the picture below!

I love this pic! Can you see me and Lucy in the bottom right hand corner?

Lucy and Mommy underneath the shark tank :)

Checking out the horseshoe crab display...

Lucy was intently watching these fish swim back and forth :)

After visiting the aquarium we checked out some of the shops downtown. Along the way we saw these pretty birds.

Lucy didn't seem very interested
Before we left to go to the outlet malls we ate a late lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe. Once again Lucy was one squirmy baby.

She was reaching for everything that we were eating so Josh let her taste this lemon. What a nice daddy...haha

She didn't even make a face...she is SO funny

She even got her very own activity book and crayons...how cute!
I LOVE her wide mouthed smile at the aquarium! That's priceless.