One day last week I walked into Lucy's room after she woke up from a nap to find her fussing and pulling down the crib bumper trying to see out. She has really started moving around in the crib and most of the time she will play around and talk to herself for a few minutes after waking up. But once she is ready to get up she tries to break out...lol

funny face

cute smirk

wow! check out those cheeks :)

Here she is eating a strawberry in her mesh feeder bag (I'm not sure what you call those things). I put a frozen strawberry in there hoping that it would help numb her gums.

getting frustrated

what a mess

Story time with Daddy
This soft sided book is great for her age because she can chew on it and play with the stuff inside.

...looking at all the farm animals

paying close attention

smiling for the camera

Last week we kept Scott and Ashley's dog while they were on vacation. Lucy loved watching Maggie and squealed with excitement when she came close.

checking each other out

Lucy making a face after Maggie gave her kisses

Daddy's idea of a toy

Lucy trying to take a sip...the lid was closed but it's funny how she knows just what to do with a bottle or cup, she goes straight for the top. :)

Lucy has learned how to hold her sippy cup and tilt it up to get a drink but the problem is too much comes out and she gets choked up.

all done...

The pictures below capture how Lucy was feeling last week.

I think she might have been teething because she would chew on her bottom lip and moan. It was so sad. Thankfully she is feeling better now.

poor baby...

Well, I thought I would post some pictures of our new house. We decided that we needed more room so we are moving at the end of this month...just kidding :) This is a house that Josh has been working on out in Harriman. He and Scott trimmed out all the windows and doors and installed baseboard. I thought it would be fun to post some pictures of what my hubby has been doing lately...

Isn't it pretty? I love the natural wood trim.

I think this is the dining room...

...and a small deck off of the master suite

It takes some skill to trim out a rounded window...I'm impressed :)

The Lord has been so good to provide Josh with plenty of work this summer. Even though it means he has had to work some long days and come home late at night I am so thankful that he is busy and the Lord is blessing his business.