Lucy turned eight months old last Thursday! She has become very mobile this past month. She has learned to sit up on her own, pull up to a standing position, and is practicing crawling on her hands and knees. She is such a happy baby and such a sweetie. She sure makes it easy to enjoy motherhood :) It's hard to get a good picture of her these days because she just starts crawling away...

Lucy has started to notice her reflection in the trashcan. She gets really excited and tries to talk to the "baby"...I wish I could have gotten it on video, it's so funny

When I'm on the computer Lucy crawls up to the chair and tries to climb up my legs. So one day I sat her in the chair with me and she kicked so much it literally pushed me out of the chair.

She looks happy to be in the chair by herself...

One Sunday after church Josh's dad came over for a visit and brought ice cream. Pawpaw says "Nothing is too good for my granddaughter"... even Haagen Dazs.

...mm yummy

Pawpaw also bought Lucy a walker a couple of weeks ago. Even though our house is a little small for her to walk all over the place she loves being with me when I'm in the kitchen.

She also likes to play with my measuring cups and spoons

cutie patootie
She is such a smiley little girl! And I love the brown bow--I haven't seen it yet!