Last Wednesday Lucy and I went to Baby Bookworms with our friends Allyson and Gavin and Shannon and Libby. Baby Bookworms is a story time for kids age 2 and under at the Farragut library. They sing songs and nursery rhymes and read books to the kids. Lucy loved it! Afterwards we took the kids to Anchor park for a picnic.
Lucy had fun playing with the mulch...

...and her friends of course :)

Big girl!

Going down the slide by herself...(sorry for the sideways video...I keep forgetting not to turn the camera)
Having lunch in the park

Lucy was too distracted to eat and was ready to get back to playing. She held her hand out and just sat there waiting for me to grab it. haha

After lunch we took the kids over to the sandbox

It was the first time Lucy had played in the sand...she was very curious :)

Thanks for bringing the sand toys Allyson :)

All three kiddos

Hard to get a good picture with all the kids looking in the same direction

I think Gavin was ready to go

Lucy had a great time!

Now that the weather has warmed up we have been to the park several times in the last couple of weeks. It has been great! So glad to be able to get out and enjoy the sunshine!
Yes ma'am, Gavin was DONE!!