The other day I came into Lucy's room to find that she had thrown everything out of her crib after waking up from her nap. She does this quite often now. She tosses everything overboard and then fusses because she wants it back...haha

She has also turned into a paci hog :) As soon as I get her out of the crib she reaches for the little stash of pacis that I keep above her bed.

Lap full of pacis

Silly girl

A couple of weeks ago she had her first self-inflicted injury. I was playing with her near the coffee table and she stumbled and came down on the corner with the side of her head. She bumps her head all the time but she really screamed this time. I noticed blood coming from her ear and it scared me at first because I didn't know if it was coming from the inside but when I looked closer I realized that it had just popped the skin open. I still felt really bad for her because I'm sure her ear was sore for a few days...
poor baby :(
I took this picture after it had already healed a little bit.
Gavin does the same thing in his crib! And I love her crib bedding! Where ever did you get it??? :) Can't wait to get mine all set up!