Lucy turned 10 months old last Tuesday! Some of the things she has learned to do this past month is clap her hands, give kisses, stand by herself for a few seconds, and play peek-a-boo. She is such a joyful baby and we are so thankful for what a blessing she is to us. She loves this outside swing that my sister gave us. Josh just put it up a few weeks ago and she has had so much fun in it.

I tried to get some pictures of her in front of our holly bush but the lighting wasn't quite right. We just planted it this past summer so there aren't many berries on it yet.

...trying to get her interested in the pine cones

I think these are the only berries on the whole bush...lol

One of Lucy's favorite things to do these days is pull everything out of her diaper bag, my purse, the bathroom cabinet...(basically anything she can get her hands on). Here she is pulling all the socks out of my drawer...and having a blast :)

"Here you go Mommy..."

She also loves pulling everything out of the washer when I'm trying to do a load of laundry...

...reaching in for more...

...helping Mommy sort the laundry :)

Here she is relaxing in the highchair...

just taking it easy...lol
Lucy loves to "dance" to music. She will start waving her hands in the air anytime she hears music playing. It's so cute! I tried to get a video of it but she is a little distracted by eating and must think I'm pretty funny because she keeps laughing at the camera. Notice her twirling her hands around and raising them over her head.

For those of you that don't know we have 5 huge trees in our yard... which basically means we have a gazillion leaves to rake up in the Fall. I put Lucy in the swing one day and raked up half of the front yard.

Lucy loves this swing! Sorry about the sideways video...
I didn't get many pictures over Thanksgiving weekend but we had a blessed one with both sides of the family. We saw some wild turkeys on the way to my cousin's house in North Knoxville on Thursday.

Josh got Lucy out of the car so they could get a closer look at the turkeys but ended up chasing them off :)

We also made a big purchase over Thanksgiving weekend...a new truck for Josh. It's a 2007 Ford F150. Josh wanted to get something new enough that we wouldn't have to spend any money on major repairs for at least 5 years.

Even though this means it might be a while before we get a new family vehicle I really like the new truck and I'm glad that Josh is going to have a more dependable work vehicle.

Here's the 1990 F150 he's been driving for the past three years. It's been a good truck but has started to cost too much in repairs.

With the color of Josh's new truck and my green Civic it's going to look like Christmas in our driveway :)
Woa, I didn't know about the new truck! So nice!
ReplyDeleteGavin and Lucy have the exact same swing. Don't you love it? Gavin cracks up just like Lucy!