Well Lucy has been 11 months for a couple weeks now but I haven't found the time to make a post because things have been a little crazy around here. And by crazy I mean sickness and teething. I've been sick with a cold and sinus congestion for about a month and Lucy has not been her usual self. I can only assume that she has been teething although I still haven't seen any teeth yet. She is constantly chewing on her top lip and has not been able to rest well. Thankfully she has gotten back on schedule this past week and I'm finally feeling better too.
(notice the lip... :)

It seems like she has learned so many new things this past month or maybe it's just because she is acting older. Although she hasn't said her first words yet she communicates a lot by pointing and saying "dyah" when she wants something. And when you ask her stuff it sounds like she says "yeah" in response. She also has become really fond of story time. The first thing she does when she wakes up is point in the direction of her books and says "dyah". Her favorite book right now is "The Foot Book" by Dr. Suess. She loves her juice bottle and is not at all interested in drinking cow's milk from a bottle or a sippy cup. A couple of weeks ago she took her first steps but is still a little timid when it comes to walking and hasn't quite gotten the hang of it yet.

It's hard to believe that in a little over a week from now my baby is going to be a year old! I was going to start planning her party the first of this month but because of being sick I got a little behind schedule. Sorry for those of you who haven't received the invitation yet (they're in the mail...) Hopefully I'll be able to post some more pictures soon!
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